Welcome to Grace
At Grace we seek to be disciple-making disciples of King Jesus. Our goal as a church is to worship Jesus in all of life by being a genuine community who lives in submission to His Word, while serving and giving sacrificially of our time and treasure.
Connect with us.
Our weekly rhythm consists of corporate worship and prayer, small groups and classes, and opportunities to grow in community. There is a place for you and we would love for you to connect and deepen your relationships with people and Jesus.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to commonly asked questions about our church activities and membership.
Our corporate worship consists of mostly congregational music accompanied by piano and guitar, Scripture reading, prayer, and expositional preaching. Our Sunday morning services usually last around 75 minutes.
You will find people in shorts, jeans, dresses, and suits. Wear what is comfortable to you.
We worship in all of life: We want the Gospel to transform our relationships to God, the church, our friends, and our enemies.
We are ruled by God’s Word: We want our lives to be built around and submitted to God’s Word.
We are disciple-making disciples: Despite our different callings and lives, we want our collective heartbeat to reflect a passion for evangelism and discipleship within our community.
We give sacrificially: We want our giving and serving to reflect the value of Jesus and His Gospel (2 Cor. 8:9).
We are a genuine community: We want to do the invasive and difficult work of genuine, Christian community. By practicing the biblical “one anothers,” we engage one another toward Christlikeness.
All our corporate gatherings have nurseries or classes for children up to 6th grade.
Give us a call (208) 733-1452 or send us a message through our contact form.
Come worship with us.
Sunday School
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
Evening Service
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Adventure Club
7:00 PM
Evening Service
7:00 PM
Worship with us.
We would love for you to worship with us. Get directions below or contact us with any questions about your visit.